Statement on Pain During Cesarean Delivery

Developed by: Committee on Obstetric Anesthesia
Original Approval: October 18, 2023
The purpose of this statement on pain during cesarean delivery is to support clinician awareness, provide pragmatic advice, and suggested best practices while helping to improve maternal outcomes and patient experience. This statement and recommendations assist the practitioner and patient in making decisions about health care. These recommendations while designed to assist, may be adopted, modified, or rejected according to clinical needs and constraints, are not intended to replace local institutional policies, are not intended as standards or absolute requirements, and their use cannot guarantee any specific outcome.1
Neuraxial anesthesia for cesarean delivery is generally considered the preferred method of anesthesia, being used for more than 95% of elective and 80% of emergent cesarean deliveries in the US.2-4 Although very reliable, neuraxial techniques (i.e. spinal, epidural, combined spinal epidural, et al.) can be inadequate or fail to provide full surgical anesthesia. Pain during cesarean delivery may be treated with supplementation of neuraxial anesthesia, intravenous or inhaled analgesia/anesthesia, or conversion to general anesthesia. In a prospective study of over 5,000 cesarean deliveries, failure to achieve pain-free surgery occurred in 6% of patients with spinal anesthesia, 18% with combined spinal-epidural, 24% with labor epidural to cesarean top-up and with an overall rate of conversion to general anesthesia of 4.9%.5 Pain or discomfort during cesarean delivery may be due to multiple reasons, some of which may be preventable.6 This statement is intended to help raise awareness, inform, and help improve outcomes and patient experience.
Expert Opinion:
While many hospitals track general anesthesia rates in cesarean delivery for quality improvement, the incidence of pain associated with regional anesthesia has not often been part of quality improvement efforts and remain largely untracked. In a systematic review, 14.6% cesarean deliveries with neuraxial technique required supplemental analgesia or anesthesia.7 In prospective surveys, the incidence of pain during cesarean delivery occurred in 11.9%8 to 22.7%.9 Neuraxial failure can be defined as “failure to provide satisfactory surgical conditions and/or maternal comfort and satisfaction during caesarean section with or without conversion to general anesthesia”.9
Pain during cesarean delivery has potential downstream consequences. In the United Kingdom, pain during cesarean delivery was the most common cause for litigation related to obstetric anesthesia care.10 Pain during cesarean has been described by an obstetric anesthesiologist from their perspective as a patient who experienced pain and offered ideas for practice improvement.11 Significant pain during cesarean may affect the patient experience and has been associated as an independent risk factor for postpartum post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).12 Patient perception may be an important predictor for pain consequences, therefore communication and support are encouraged.12,13 In a systematic review and meta-analysis, perinatal pain significantly increased (OR 1.43) and epidural analgesia significantly decreased (OR 0.42) the incidence of postpartum depression,14 although data are conflicting.
Disparities in the type of anesthesia used for cesarean delivery and maternal pain management occur.15 African-American race (aOR 1.7-1.9) and Hispanic ethnicity (aOR 1.5) had significantly increased association for receiving general anesthesia, even after adjustment for obstetric and non-obstetric covariates.16,17
Thus, this statement serves to inform practitioners and give recommendations that may help decrease pain during cesarean delivery under neuraxial anesthesia and help identify and guide management to meet individual patient desires and needs. Recognition of risk factors, past medical or non-medical traumatic experiences, patient education, and shared decision making may help improve patient experience and reduce disparities.15,18
The American Society of Anesthesiologists Committee on Obstetric Anesthesia identified seven areas related to pain during cesarean delivery.
The following recommendations regarding pain during cesarean delivery are organized into seven topics with explanations and suggested best practices:
- Preoperative Assessment
- Minimizing Risk of Inadequate Regional Anesthesia
- Supplementation of Inadequate Regional Anesthesia
- Conversion to General Anesthesia
- Conduct of General Anesthesia
- Follow-Up and Referral
- QI
Table 1. Preoperative Assessment
Why This | The preoperative anesthesia assessment is a time when a preoperative conversation with the patient can elicit risk factors, inform the clinician of patient expectations, allow the clinician to give the patient a framework of what will happen during the procedure, and facilitate shared decision making for the anesthetic care plan. |
Background | The shared decision-making process explores the risks, benefits, and alternatives to treatment options in a collaborative fashion. When multiple options for management are possible, care should be patient and provider driven.19 Benefits of shared decision making include patients having fewer regrets about treatment, better perceived communication with clinicians, improved treatment adherence, increased confidence and coping skills, greater comfort with making decisions.20 Moreover, shared decision-making leads to better health outcomes.21 |
Best Practices |
Table 2. Minimizing Risk of Inadequate Regional Anesthesia
Why This | Inadequate regional anesthesia may necessitate conversion to general anesthesia, which carriers greater risk and potential patient dissatisfaction. Rates of general anesthesia for cesarean delivery may potentially be decreased by applying best obstetric anesthesia practices. |
Background | In a prospective study of over 5,000 cesarean deliveries, failure to achieve pain-free surgery occurred in 6% of patients with spinal anesthesia, 18% with combined spinal-epidural, 24% with labor epidural to cesarean top-up and with an overall rate of conversion to general anesthesia of 4.9%.5 Local anesthetics, often combined with lipophilic opioids have been demonstrated to provide reliable spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery.30 Epidural anesthesia is used for approximately 29-44% of cesarean sections and most women who undergo urgent or emergent cesarean sections have an existing epidural catheter in situ for labor analgesia.31 The block level should be tested and noted prior to initiating skin incision.5,13 Patient perception may be an important predictor for pain consequences, therefore communication and support are encouraged.12 |
Best Practices |
Table 3. Supplementation of Inadequate Regional Anesthesia
Why This | Inadequate regional anesthesia for cesarean delivery can usually be treated with neuraxial and systemic adjuvant medication, providing adequate surgical anesthesia and potentially avoiding conversion to general anesthesia. |
Background | Two retrospective reviews reported systemic anesthetic adjuvant administration rates of 13%36 and 18%37 for cesarean delivery. Neuraxial anesthetic adjuvant medications include additional epidural local anesthetics (e.g. lidocaine, chloroprocaine) and lipophilic opioids (e.g. fentanyl). Systemic anesthetic adjuvant medications include intravenous fentanyl, ketamine, midazolam, propofol, and inhaled nitrous oxide et al. Obstetricians can also provide supplemental anesthesia with infiltration of local anesthetic in the surgical field and not exteriorize the uterus for repair, which increases pain. Pain and anxiety may require being addressed separately, with pharmacologic or non-pharmacologic approaches. Pain should not be treated with anxiolytics or hypnotics alone. |
Best Practices |
Table 4. Conversion to General Anesthesia
Why This | Regional anesthesia for cesarean delivery will occasionally be inadequate for surgical anesthesia. The clinician should be able to diagnose the need for and manage this clinical event. |
Background | Despite the best efforts of the clinician to provide adequate regional anesthesia, failure of regional anesthesia requiring conversion to general anesthesia occurred in 4.9% in one prospective study.5 The conversion rate for scheduled cases was 0.06% in a systematic review.7 |
Best Practices |
Table 5. Conduct of General Anesthesia
Why This | Clinicians should know how to administer general anesthesia for cesarean delivery using best practices. |
Background | In a multicenter study of over 257,000 obstetric anesthetics, 5.6% of cesarean deliveries were performed under general anesthesia with an incidence of failed airway was 1:533.42 Once the decision has been made to proceed with intraoperative conversion to general anesthesia, skilled assistance should be sought to help with the preparation of medications, airway equipment, suction, and to provide cricoid pressure during the induction of anesthesia and assist with airway management. |
Best Practices |
Table 6. Follow-Up and Referral
Why This | The patient’s experience during cesarean delivery is a unique perspective that should be engaged by the clinician. |
Background | Both anesthesiologists and obstetricians significantly underestimated when patients experienced pain during cesarean delivery in a prospective study.8 Pain during cesarean has been described by an obstetric anesthesiologist from the perspective of a patient who experience pain and offered ideas for practice improvement.11 Moreover, there are potential long-term effects for patients who have recall of unpleasant events during surgical procedures.27 Patients who experience significant pain or discomfort may benefit from appropriate follow-up and referral. |
Best Practices |
Table 7. Quality Improvement
Why This | Quality improvement processes systematically improve care and suggest opportunities for improvement. |
Background | Anesthesiologists are integral to the safe provision of modern obstetric care, delivery of anesthesia, and perioperative services on labor and delivery. As such, broader quality metrics to guide overall performance are needed. Suggested quality metrics for obstetric anesthesia were previously selected to highlight various areas for potential improvement, and to assist in improving the quality of care provided, but this is not a complete list and did not include pain during cesarean.64 |
Best Practices |
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